Weekly Christian Devotions from Bethany
Here you'll find weekly devotions Bethany writes, mostly following the lectionary. Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads in her in a different way and she's always ready to listen!
Bethany received her Master's of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She has served in full time ministry since 2010 and is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church.
My favorite jokes about 2020 go something like this - Question: If 2020 was a drink, what would it…
The parables Jesus told throughout his ministry are so rich with meaning it hardly does them…
They say the first step to solving any problem is first admitting that you have one. So here I am,…
There are a lot of common, perhaps even cliche, sayings, about the idea of home.
There’s no place…
Palm Sunday is usually a very joyful Sunday in the life of a congregation. I don’t know what the…
Our story from John today starts with Jesus receiving news that Lazarus is ill. Though there is no…
My life over the past week has felt more like something out of a movie I’d go see in the cinema…
There's a meme I see on the internet every so often that goes something like this: When someone…
Have you ever had a "mountain top" experience? It's one of those moments in life where you feel…
If you have ever tended to a garden or even a single plant, you know that it takes work. Sure, you…
Jesus says far more in this passage than can be unpacked in one short devotion. (I'd be hard-…
If you have ever spent any time on social media it is likely you have seen someone talking about…
There seem to be two general moods that prevail in the month of January. The first is the idea of "…
With Christmas just barely over we now come to Jesus as a fully grown adult - walking, and talking…
And so, a new year, and a new decade, have begun. This first Sunday of 2020 also happens to be…
I like to think that I don't have very many pet peeves as a minister, but one that I do have is…
The fourth Sunday in Advent is a day on which we celebrate Love. The scripture reading for today…
The third Sunday in Advent is a day on which we celebrate Joy. For some this time of year, joy is…
The second Sunday in Advent is a day on which we celebrate Hope. Advent is a time of waiting, and…
The first Sunday in Advent is a day on which we celebrate Peace. This is a beautiful way to kick…
In many churches, today is known as "Christ the King" Sunday. It is also the last Sunday of the…
Our scripture reading this week comes from the prophet Isaiah. As a prophet, Isaiah spends a good…
In the spirit of traditions honored in my new church home, I would like to acknowledge today as…
"Zacchaeus was a wee little man, a wee little man was he!" Does that song immediately jump into…
On the last Sunday in October, Christians around the world celebrate Reformation Sunday. This day…
Usually, when Jesus tells a parable, we are left to suss out the meaning of it for ourselves. Here…
To be a leper in the time of Jesus meant more than just having an unfortunate skin condition. It…
In our society today it can seem like only the wicked get ahead. We look at those in power around…
Sometimes Jesus tells a parable that is so confusing that even centuries later scholars, preachers…
This is a tough parable to read and is even tougher for those of us tasked with interpretation.…
Have you ever lost something important to you? Unless you are the most responsible human being on…
Oof, Jesus. These are some tough words. As one author wrote, "this is one of those passages that…
Imagine you are planning a dinner party for next weekend. Who is on your list of people to invite?…
Jesus broke the rules. This is important for those of us who wish to follow Jesus to remember. …
I am not a runner. Even back in my high school and college days when I was a dancer, and in the…
How often do you think about money? I'm guessing quite a bit. Those of us who don't have a lot of…
The idea of minimalism is one that is gaining popularity in American culture right now. In a…
If we take this passage at face value, we run the risk of having a very shallow, transaction-based…
We live in a Martha world. By this, I mean we live in a world where people see value in being busy…
I was listening to a podcast a few weeks ago, one of my new favorites called "Hidden Brain." On the…