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Devotions from September 2018

Here you'll find weekly devotions Bethany writes, mostly following the lectionary. Sometimes the Holy Spirit leads in her in a different way and she's always ready to listen!

Bethany received her Master's of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University in Atlanta, GA. She has served in full time ministry since 2010 and is an ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church.

I grew up in a United Methodist Church that was very contemporary. Our building was contemporary -…

Just a couple weeks ago a post went viral among my circle of friends on Facebook. The picture was…

For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things. Between my second and third…

As we travel the world, I have many opportunities to see how people treat one another. We are…

I am currently in the process of trying to lose weight, which means I spend a lot of time thinking…